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  Deutsch / ドイツ語
  日本語 / Japanisch
Look inside     
Volume 1: A – I
2009 · ISBN 978-3-89129-988-3
2,544 pages · Format 17 x 24 cm
with ribbon bookmark
Hardcover edition, in slipcase
EUR 278,–



Look inside     
Volume 2: J – N
2015 · ISBN 978-3-86205-420-6
2,469 pages · Format 17 x 24 cm
with ribbon bookmark
Hardcover edition, in slipcase
EUR 278,–


Look inside     
Volume 3: O – Z
2022 · ISBN 978-3-86205-421-3
2,510 pages · Format 17 x 24 cm
with ribbon bookmark
Hardcover edition, in slipcase
EUR 278,–

“In the spirit of the Brothers Grimm”
Viktoria Eschbach-Szabó

“Opens doors, familiar and surprising. A source of inspiration of the highest order.”
Yoko Tawada

The three volumes of the “Comprehensive Japanese-German Dictionary”, now complete, offer on 7,523 double-column pages more than 130,000 main entries with several hundred thousand compounds and examples of usage, about 70,000 sample sentences (with sources) from newspapers and magazines, advertising, science and literature, specialized vocabulary (from architecture to flora and fauna, medicine and mathematics to law, sports, economics and finance), provenance and proven etymologies, proverbs and idiomatic expressions, historical and technical explanations. All main and sub-entries, compounds, typical usages and idioms are also given in Latin transcription and are thus accessible to everyone. Main entries are additionally marked as basic or advanced vocabulary.

The “Comprehensive Japanese-German Dictionary” was created through the close cooperation of many German and Japanese experts, and is a milestone for the lexicology of East Asian languages in Europe. Another quality of this new dictionary is the links it makes between the entries and the language of literature. When compiling the sample sentences from literature and media that make the dictionary so extraordinary, the editors not only drew on Japanese sources, but also on Japanese translations of German and international literature, for example "Momo" by Michael Ende, Goethe's "Faust", as well as works by Joanne K. Rowling and Franz Kafka. The dictionary will serve as a reliable, fundamental work of reference and support the advancement of German-Japanese relations on every level – political, social, commercial, scientific and cultural – for decades to come.

A dictionary without peer!

  • Over 130,000 main entries from the modern Japanese language
    (early Meiji era to present) with innumerable compounds and examples of usage
  • Latin transcription of all main entries and compounds with kanji
  • approx. 70,000 sample sentences from newspapers, magazines, advertising, science and literature, with sources
  • marked basic and advanced vocabulary
  • historical and technical explanations
  • provenance and proven etymologies
  • proverbs and idiomatic expressions
  • technical and special languages
    (children's and youth slang, underworld jargon, dialectisms)
  • abbreviation expansions
  • technical vocabulary from the realms of architecture · astronomy · biology and biochemistry · chemistry · computer technology · electrical and electronic engineering · flora and fauna (including scientific nomenclature) · geosciences · linguistics · mathematics · medicine · music · physics · law · sport · technology · economics and finance and more
Online search オンライン検索
Volume 1: A–I      第1巻 · A–I
Volume 2: J–N      第2巻 · J–N
Volume 3: O–Z      第3巻 · O–Z


Jürgen Stalph

Studies in Japanology, Anglistics and General linguistics in Bonn, Bochum and Tokyo (Tōkyō Gaikokugo Daigaku). 1984 to 2018, research assistant at the Faculty of East Asian Studies of Bochum University, the German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ), Tokyo, and the Japanese Studies Department at the Freie Universität Berlin.
Publications: Linguistics research, bibliographies, literary translations.
Specialist fields: Linguistics, lexicography.
Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit

Prof. em. of Japanology (literary and cultural studies) at the Freie Universität Berlin. Studies at the universities of Hamburg, Bochum, Waseda and Tokyo. Professorships at Hitotsubashi (Tokyo) and Trier Universities. From 1996 to 2004, Director of the German Institute of Japanese Studies (DIJ), Tokyo. 1992, awarded the Leibniz Prize by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
1995 Bundesverdienstkreuz (Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany). Editor of the series “Japanische Bibliothek” published by the German publisher Insel Verlag.
1990–2000, Literary and non-fiction translations.
Specialist fields include: History of science, translation studies.
Wolfgang E. Schlecht

Prof. em. at Waseda University, Tokyo. Studies in Philosophy in Munich and Japanology in Tokyo (Tōkyō Gaikokugo Daigaku / Tokyo University). Editor at the Sansyūsya publishing house (area of responsibility: textbooks, dictionaries). Author of many German teaching materials for Japanese university students; literary translations (Ueda Akinari, Yoshimoto Banana, Ōe Kenzaburō, Shimao Toshio).
Specialist fields: Foreign language instruction, intercultural communication, translation studies.
Kōji Ueda

Prof. em. at Tsukuba University. Studies at Tokyo University, the Freie Universität Berlin and the University of Vienna. Professorships at Waseda, Tsukuba and Dokkyo Universities; 2004–06 Deputy General Secretary of the Japanese-German Center Berlin. 2007–11 Director of the Japan Cultural Institute, Cologne.
2011 Bundesverdienstkreuz (Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany).
Specialist fields: German studies, Japanese-German cultural relations, comparative literary and theatre studies, translation studies.


An epochal dictionary, compiled with “Deutscher Gründlichkeit”.
Iwasaki Eijirō
It is a true reading delight, I was absorbed for a long time.
Yoshida Hidekazu
This dictionary is my best friend and guide when I am translating Japanese poetry into German.
Tawada Yoko
A doorway into the Japanese language, offering uniquely profound revelations.
Aizawa Keiichi
A work for the centuries!
Ursula Gräfe



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